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Joined: 07 Aug 2009 Posts: 4202 Location: Poland
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Joined: 14 Jun 2007 Posts: 4110 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 20:45 Post subject: |
Hi,i just came back from Holon and here are more results and impressions-
It was a long day with interesting competitions .
The G.P. competition.
There were 2 the first group competed for Russia-Lukonina and Merkulova and in the second group- Kaneava,Kondakova and Dmitrieva.
I'm happy about the way I.Viner divided her gymnasts,(the ones that outside of the G.P. and in the groups in the G.P.).Thats the way it should be-the competition for the finals should be between Kaneava,Kondakova and Dmitierva-they are the proffessional ones even if right now they aren't in the best shape and made many mistakes.
The time of the talnted Merkulova and the beautiful Lukonina will be in the future.
The atmosphere today was totally different from the one that was in the recent years-usually the G.P. in Holon was the last competition before major events like the W.C.,E.C.and O.G. so you could really felt the pressure.
Today,you could see the Russian gymnasts that were going to compete in group A sit with the audience and watched their teamates in group B ,Also the coaches that usually are screaming during the training were quite quiet.
I'm glad i wasn't a judge today,they had a lot of work-most of the gymnasts did many mistakes,including the most stable gymnast in the world-Kaneava
But even if i'm fine with the ranking of the Rus's team,still as always in Holon-The Ukr,Bul and Peth-Tikva's clubs are not the favourites of the judges and it's a shame.
After this long begining,lets start with detailed impressions-
As i wrote she wasn't at her best and she made only 3 finals.(no ball)
She started with ball and had 3 drops but the routine is really beautiful.
Her clubs was better but still not good-one drop and some problems in the catches.
Her ribbon was her best,not as good as in Moscow because she had small mistakes in the start but this routine is a masterpiece-the music,the choregrhpy,the skills everything is really amazing,if till now i couldn't decide what is my favourite ribbon routine-Bessonova from 2003,Lipovskia from 1997 or Kondakova from 2010, now i know-Keneava's 2011 !
Her hoop was beautiful with nice expression but with small mistakes as well.
She lost weight and looked in a better shape then last week.
She started with hoop,altough i like this interesting routine more then that one she had last year,hoop is still not "her" appartus.she had few small drops and few unclean catches.
Ball was great with good pivots and no mistakes and with nice smile.
In clubs she had a big drop and mistake in one of her pivot,i didn't like so much this routine from her.
Ribbon was beautiful ,but before the end her jump was low and she had mistake in her last catch.
Altough she has improved the landing in her pivots and her expression,i still prefer to see kaneava and Kondakova in better shape in front of her all the time ,and if Merkulova will be ready with better routines i prefer her style also,
She made the finals with ball,clubs and ribbon
Wow ,she went out from the crisis she had in the recent competitions,she lost weight and she was great to watch with hoop and ball.
She started with a great hoop routine-amazing flexabilty,diificult routine,cool music that suits her style but she also had a mistake and finished after the music.
Ball was amazing,one mistake in the catch but the rest was really impressive and clean.
I don't like her clubs and ribbon routines-the music aren't exciting and the choregrhpy isn't interesting enough and it's a shame because in the past she had interesting routines with clubs and ribbon.
Anyway in both of the routines she had few mistakes but not disaster like in the recent competitions.
And by the way ,she speaks good English ,
Need to take a break,to be continued...
Last edited by dalit on Fri, 8-Apr-2011 9:44; edited 8 times in total |
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005 Posts: 1050 Location: Donetsk, Ukraine
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 20:51 Post subject: |
What about Ukrainians? As I understand, no finals for them?  _________________ Truth without love turns person into criticaster...
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Last edited by Christina on Fri, 4-Mar-2011 20:53; edited 1 time in total |
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Joined: 26 Oct 2008 Posts: 14025 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 20:52 Post subject: |
They weren't in the top 10 so probably not  |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2008 Posts: 6905 Location: Paris
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 21:03 Post subject: |
Thanks, soo so happy for Zhenya and especially for Dasha, she "recovered" from Moscow mistakes!
Poor Dasha, she must have made some mistakes, too bad, I wanted to see her on the podium!
Ha-ha-ha Merkulova 10th, sorry but it's logical looking at her routines, she didn't deserve more, even less!  |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2007 Posts: 4110 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 21:17 Post subject: |
Christina wrote: | What about Ukrainians? As I understand, no finals for them?  |
Only Rizdatinova competed in the G.P. and i'm not sure if her marks were high enough to rank for the finals
She started with amazing ribbon routine-it was her best routine in the competition-beautiful music and great expression,her pivots were out of this world but only 26,050.for me she deserved very much to be in the ribbon final.
Her hoop was very interesting to watch and agin with amazing pivots but she had one drop at the start and she also finished after the music.
In her ball and clubs she looked a little bit tired and had few mistakes as well but agin great expression and beautiful pivots.
She has improved a lot and showed great personality in her routines.
But the gymnast from Ukr that impressed me the most today was Shynekaranko
She was in the competition before the G.P. What a great present on the floor this gymnast has,to see her live it's totally different from in the videos.
She did a great hoop routine with beautiful balances and interesting catches and everything was so beautiful to watch,she had one unclean catch and she also got only 25,800(very low with comparision to the others marks that many gymnast got with big mistakes).
Her ball was beautiful without drops and with great confident and expression-what an improvement from last week.but agin only 25,650.
She also competed before the G.P. and also did a very good competition-very clean routines with beautiful pivots but with low scores(25,250,25,075)
But to be honest seeing her live gave me different impression then in the videos-she is too thin imo and lack the expression.
Now i know i prefer Shynekarenko ! |
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Joined: 26 Oct 2008 Posts: 14025 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 21:21 Post subject: |
As someone (don't remember who) said before, Mazur is still young her body might change in the future but she's soo thin indeed!
Tom took a picture of her doing a leap while training, her legs and upper body (stomach/ribs area) are soo thin !! |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2007 Posts: 4110 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 21:50 Post subject: |
More impressions-
My dear Kondakova,why do you always have to do your worse competion in Israel? you know we love you here..(even the man that announced the names of the gymnasts before the routines,said before her entered"here is my favourite gymnast" and everybody was shocked ,but this is Israel..)
Anyway,she started with her amazing hoop routine,the crowed clapped her the most because this routine is "real Kondakova"-amazing risks and great expression.But to be honest she was very lucky to get 28.250 because she had big mistakes in 2 of her pivots.hope she will do better in the final.
Her ball was with good pivots and 2 small drops but still with the ugly start position.
I still don't understand why they want to change her style to a do changes when something isn't good and in the case of Kondakova,her strong,attacking style is great imo.
Her clubs was with 3 drops at least and with mistake in the first pivot.
Ribbon was expressive and enjoyable but with 2 drops as well.
I can't stop thinking how much her routines from last year had more class and suited her more, especially ball.
Her clubs is powerful and without mistakes(like in the final in Moscow)i'm sure it will be great,but the choregrahpy isn't unique to this music.What i mean is that this routine(altough it is difficult and interesting routine) can suits any music,i hope i'm clear.
And one last thing about Kondakova,she lost weight and looks thin.
And made the hoop and ball finals. |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2007 Posts: 4110 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 22:03 Post subject: |
Youandi wrote: | Thanks Dorin
How did Yana do ? |
Lukonina had a bad start with clubs-many drops and she finished without the clubs,but she continued with good ribbon routine with beautiful red leo,her hoop was clean with beautiful pivots but not exciting to watch,but her ball was very strong with very difficult catches and good flexabilty. |
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Joined: 26 Oct 2008 Posts: 14025 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 22:07 Post subject: |
Thanks Dalit I'll wait for videos too  |
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005 Posts: 1050 Location: Donetsk, Ukraine
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 22:40 Post subject: |
dalit wrote: | Christina wrote: | What about Ukrainians? As I understand, no finals for them?  |
Only Rizdatinova competed in the G.P. and i'm not sure if her marks were high enough to rank for the finals
She started with amazing ribbon routine-it was her best routine in the competition-beautiful music and great expression,her pivots were out of this world but only 26,050.for me she deserved very much to be in the ribbon final.
Her hoop was very interesting to watch and agin with amazing pivots but she had one drop at the start and she also finished after the music.
In her ball and clubs she looked a little bit tired and had few mistakes as well but agin great expression and beautiful pivots.
She has improved a lot and showed great personality in her routines.
But the gymnast from Ukr that impressed me the most today was Shynekaranko
She was in the competition before the G.P. What a great present on the floor this gymnast has,to see her live it's totally different from in the videos.
She did a great hoop routine with beautiful balances and interesting catches and everything was so beautiful to watch,she had one unclean catch and she also got only 25,800(very low with comparision to the others marks that many gymnast got with big mistakes).
Her ball was beautiful without drops and with great confident and expression-what an improvement from last week.but agin only 25,650.
She also competed before the G.P. and also did a very good competition-very clean routines with beautiful pivots but with low scores(25,250,25,075)
But to be honest seeing her live gave me different impression then in the videos-she is too thin imo and lack the expression.
Now i know i prefer Shynekarenko ! |
Thank you for your comments! I really like Rizatdinova this year! I still have been waiting for Maksimenko's new routines... I know, she is not in Holon...
I feel sorry for Kanaeva, what has happened to her, she used to be so confident!
And I am glad to know Kondakova performed her out-of-the-world hoop routine well!  _________________ Truth without love turns person into criticaster...
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Last edited by Christina on Sat, 5-Mar-2011 13:49; edited 1 time in total |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2007 Posts: 4110 Location: Israel
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 22:45 Post subject: |
Before i go to sleep few more highlights from today-
Tori(Isr) did a fantastic ball routine ,with good risks and beautiful pivots and everything was clean and expressive but she got only 25,175 and i don't think it will be enough for the final.
Charopa has interesting routines but she did many mistakes in all of her routines,i was really disappointed from her performance.
Mitrosz looked confident and did a good competiton(in her standart)-no drops and good expression.
But her routines are quite easy and the way she execute her elements is horrible and i really can't understand her high marks ( not only here.)
Kesenya(France) did a good competion-she did an interesting ball routine with a small mistake-24.9 and a great hoop routine with beautiful end-26.200
Kisse did a great ball routine with her famous last catch and nice ribbon routine,but her scores looked quite low to me 25,125,23,850.
hoop was difficult but i don't feel the conection of this routine with the music,clubs was with drops and i like more her old clubs routine.
Meirzon(Isr)did a good clean competion with great expression but was also overscored-26,800-hoop,26,250-ribbon.
Trofimova is amazing and the crowed favourite,her ball was great,in hoop she finished after the music,and i don't think this music suits her.
Clubs and ribbon were with mistakes but very beautiful and strong.
Alybeva did a good competion and i enjoyed from all her routines.
She looked more confident and i like her new program more then the old one.
Merkulova did beatiful balances in her clubs routine but had mistakes as well .Ribbon was better with a beautiful pivot in the start.ball was without drops but with mistakes with the body elements,hoop was with big mistakes.
She is a talnted gymnast,with routines that i don't like (last year her routines were a lot more beautiful) but she needs time to improve,it isn't her time to lead.
Rivkin did a very good competition.She is in a great shape.
I like her hoop and ball routines-they were beautiful to watch,but she needs to improve her risks in her clubs routine,ribbon was nice.
Grubanova did difficult hoop routine and her others routines weren't bad as well,but i don't like her style.I would like to see in the future the expressive Javadi as no.2 in Aze,i like her style.
Mamum has improved and did lovely hoop routine,pity about the mistake in her ball
Donitch is always interesting to watch,but had few mistakes in her strong hoop and ball.
Borisova is very beautiful to watch,so expressive and graceful
but she needs to improve her skills.
Boltina did her strong beautiful ball routine perfect but had bad mistakes with hoop.
From the Israeli gymnasts i enjoyed the most from Natli Mendleson who did a good hoop routine with beautiful pivots and a beautiful smile and from Shir Hill who did a good ball routine with good expression
Russia and Aze did great their amazing routines!
Israel had few mistakes but were more interesting to watch then Bul that had mistakes as well.
Sorry if i missed some gymnasts,,i'm tired...
Good-Night !
Last edited by dalit on Sat, 5-Mar-2011 5:20; edited 5 times in total |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2008 Posts: 6905 Location: Paris
Posted: Fri, 4-Mar-2011 22:49 Post subject: |
Too bad for Uly and Arina!
Agree about Merkulova |
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Tom T Moderator

Joined: 30 Oct 2003 Posts: 1179 Location: Southern California
Posted: Sat, 5-Mar-2011 7:30 Post subject: |
here is a faster scan of 04March full results at Holon GP...
Ps. Dalit has all correct and yes, Daria Kondakova is thinner. Htg to breakfast. -T
Last edited by Tom T on Sat, 5-Mar-2011 7:55; edited 1 time in total |
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Joined: 01 Jun 2008 Posts: 6905 Location: Paris
Posted: Sat, 5-Mar-2011 7:31 Post subject: |
Have a good breakfast!  |
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