Saturday's pictures

The arena at 3:00 am

Eva Serrano (FRA) relaxing before the competition starts

Heini Lautala (FIN) during her warm-up

Marina Lobatch (BLR) and Larissa Lukyanenko (BLR) watching the training

Judges and photographers

Magdalena Brzeska (GER) just before her hoop routine

Eva Serrano (FRA) before her clubs routine

Eva Serrano (FRA) at the start of her ribbon routine

Elena Vitrichenko (UKR) just before her last routine, the hoop

Elena Vitrichenko (UKR) nervously waiting for her last score

The Medal Ceremony

The new World Champion, Elena Vitrichenko (UKR)

The former World Champion, Maria Petrova (BUL)

Irina Viner (the Russian main coach), Yvette L., Amina Zaripova (RUS) and Yana Batyrchina (RUS)

Alex, Amina, Yanina and Yvette
last change: 25. October 1997 © 1997 Alexander Kochann / red 2 pro