World Championships finished

rope medal ceremony

    The 21st World Championships are finished - and there are 4 new world champions for the apparatuses
Rope: Yanina Batrychina, RUS and Elena Vitrichenko UKR
Hoop: Natalia Lipkovskaia, RUS
Clubs: Elena Vitrichenko, UKR
Ribbon: Elena Vitrichenko, UKR
The spectators favorite Elena Vitrichenko received for two of her world class routines a 10, but the 10 for her ribbon routine had negative effects for the other gymnasts. Especially Almudena Cid-Tostado from Spain suffered, cause her beautiful routine - containing lots of difficulties and well presented - received only 9.841. Magalena Brzeska´s routine, which was much better than the day before, got only 9,775 and this made the spectators whistle and shout at the judges.
The closing ceremony was very disappointing, especially for the spectators. There were only some young gymnasts carrying the loops containing the names of the competing nations, then a short exchange of the FIG flag from Berlin to a representative of Sevilla for the next championschips - and that was it !! For all people who had seen lots of beautiful exercises over 3 days this ceremony couldn´t stand up to that. Everyone would have loved to see some of the girls or some kind of routine as a closing point.
In the end the organization committee could return the gym to the Basketball players of Alba Berlin - content about successfully running an international event - somehow.

Elena Vitrichenko Champion!

Elena Vitrichenko

    What excitement here in Berlin - and countless world class performances. In the all-around final Elena Vitrichenko of Ukraine won the title - as expected by most spectators. She received the best scores of all athletes - and was the only participant with two 10´s: (rope and clubs) completed by two 9.95's in hoop and ribbon. In the last rotation there was a slim chance for Natalia Lipovskaya, but she made a mistake in a pivot and the title was lost.
    Despite high hopes the German team didn´t have the spark of the day before. After yesterday´s exhausting competition Magdalena Brzeska and Edita Schaufler didn´t show their normal energy. But nevertheless they are content with what they have achieved, and that the hard work paid off - especially considering Magda was unable to fully train 2 weeks prior. The crowd was hopeful, and a future medal is something to dream of.
    Brzeska didn´t display her usual qualities and looked kind of tired - and even Edita Schaufler´s "Berliner Luft" (music about Berlin) couldn´t give them the lift they would have needed today. But Edita did manage to beat Magda and finished ranked 9th, one place better than Magda.
    Unfortunately the medal ceremony didn´t compare with Vitrichenko's dynamic performances - plenty of handshakes, flowers, and speeches but much too long for the spectators and athletes. Lets hope that tomorrow will be more exciting- especially for the German gymnasts.

English text will come.

Russia wins!

Russisches Team

    Sportlich gesehen gab es beim Mannschaftswettbewerb neben der erwarteten Medaillenvergabe zwischen Rußland, Weißrußland und der Ukraine eine ganz besondere Überraschung, mit der selbst die Cheftrainerin der deutschen Mannschaft Dr. Regina Brzank nicht gerechnet hatte. Das deutsche Team belegte vor der bulgarischen Mannschaft Platz vier, wobei insgeheim zu einer Medaille wahrlich nicht viel gefehlt hat. Ein Blick auf die Zahlen im Vergleich zu den noch anstehenden Wettbewerben, läßt kleine Medaillenhoffnungen offen. Beim Mehrkampf am Sonnabend würde Elena Vitrischenko mit den Werten vom Mannschaftsfinale eindeutig Weltmeisterin werden, die deutsche Gymnastin Edita Schaufler erreichte Platz vier. Ob nun beim Mehrkampf, zumindest aber bei den einzelnen Handgeräten, kann es gut möglich sein, die eine oder andere Gymnastin auf dem Treppchen zu sehen

Opening Ceremony


    Am Freitag wurde endlich die Weltmeisterschaft der Rhtythmischen Sportgymnastik in Berlin eröffnet. Neben den klassischen Einführungsworten, präsentierten Turnerinnen und Turner des ausführenden Berliner Turnerbundes eine Mischung aus viel Bewegung und Farbe. Nach einem harten Qualifikationstag, bei dem man zugleich in vier Hallen turnte, sei es nun Zeit, sich der Grazie der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik hinzugeben, und die jahrelange Arbeit der Gymnastinnen als Augenweide aufzunehmen und zu genießen. Auch das Berliner Publikum, besonders gemischt mit vielen aktiven Gymnastinnen, Eltern und Betreuern, wirkte positiv auf die Stimmung nicht nur Gymnastinnen, sonder auch auf den Veranstalter aus. Steigern wird sich die Stimmung besonders zum Wochenende hin, wo man mit ausverkauften Eintrittkarten mit vollen Tribünen und einer tollen Stimmung rechnen kann.

German Team does well

German Team

    The hardest step for the Organisation Comittee is done: the biggest part of the championships is finished without major problems. The German team qualified for the team-finals on Friday, with Edita Schaufler (6th place) ranked just after Magdalena Brzeska.

Tatiana Ogryzko pulls out

Tatiana Ogryzko

    As she was warming up for the third rotation, Tatiana Ogrizko pulled out due to a leg injury. This will put more pressure on her fellow Belarussian mates in the team competition.

The World Chanmpionships starts


    23. Oct: At 10:00 the first competition of the 21st World Championships started. The qualification for the individual gymnasts takes place in the arena and the 3 smaller halls at the same time. In every hall a different apparatus:
Hall A: rope
Hall B: hoop
Hall C: clubs
Arena: ribbon
The countries were divided into 4 groups, which change halls between the competitions at 10:00, 12:20, 17:00 and 19:20 Berlin time.

Title-holder Ekaterina Serebrianskaya cancels start at the World Championships

Ekaterina Serebrianskaya

    Berlin: Olympic Champion Ekaterina Serebrianskaya, title-holder of the all-around competition and with the hoop, won't be in Berlin. The Organising Comittee and the officials of the FIG - the International Gymnastics Federation - were surprised by this message on Saturday evening with the arrival of the Ukrainian delegation.
   Ekaterina, who becomes 20 years old this coming Saturday, decided personally that she won't come to Berlin due to a serious heart condition of her mother Ljubov Serebrianskaya who is also her coach. This is the official statement of the Ukrainian delegation leader Svetlana Tacherkova. (19th October 1997)

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World Championships
on the internet

  • Sunday's pictures

  • Results of the Finals

  • Saturday's pictures

  • Results of the All-Around final

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  • Results of the qualification

  • Thursday's pictures

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  • Partners of these internet pages

  • Complete list of all competitors
    Low on tickets

    The seats in the entire Lower Ring are becoming scarce for all three days of the competitions, whereas the less expensive tickets of the Upper Ring are still in sufficient supply. Tickets will only be sold at the gym now.
    Media Interest

    Altogether 161 editors with their reporters have been accredited. Among the 260 people of all media there are 80 photographers from 27 countries. Ten foreign and eight german TV-stations will be active in Berlin.

  • last change: 26. October 1997 © 1997 red 2 pro